Monday, August 31, 2009

Back to my blog

Well, here it is the last day of August. I have just plain forgotten about this blog.
I shall go from here and see what happens.

It's a cooler day for a change. I am thankful for that.
Now, I am off to run errnads.....and hope to get back to this later

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Back to my blog, four months later!!!

Today is Thursday, March 12, 2009
I just haven't gotten in the habit of writing in here. Maybe it's time....we shall see.

I am trying to use my treadmill more and have been doing pretty good for the past few days.....Maybe me writing this down will help me to get in the habit. I truthfully forget to do it often. Today I did 35 minutes....yesterday I actually reached 52 minutes. ...only about 15 on Tuesday...none on Monday (went shopping) and 30 minutes on Sunday.

Robin called last night after viewing the DVD Bonnie created with family photos. She was very moved by it....almost crying. We talked for a while, mainly about getting out more family photos to continue our history. Bonnie really did an excellent job on this one.

I am still very excited about needle felting but have signed up to go to a polymer clay workshop in Ashville with Aud, Nancy, and Vicki. I'm not ready to give up polymer clay completely but that day may come.......we shall see. The workshop will be the 24th and 25th which happen to be a Tuesday and Wednesday. We've rented a cabin for 2 nights. I do look forward to going to Ashville as I've never been there.